We help people and organisations grow

Your environment expects you and your organisation to grow, continuously. You’re eager to, but sometimes you lack the knowledge, time, attention or experience. You’re not the only one: for most people this is a daily challenge.

Human Centric has years of experience in developing people and organisations through (team)coaching, training & consultancy. We can help you to make your organisation more inclusive, make better decisions and become political savvy. So, you can develop your career and organisation! 

Contact us for more information.

Diversity & Inclusion

You would like to work in a organisation where everyone feels at home and can be succesvol. Yet, everyone is different and sometimes it’s hard to manage those differences. How do you attract and retain people that are different? How do you create the environment in which everyone can be successful and feel at home? 

We offer:

  • Various training programs to help people deal with implicit bias, learn inclusive leadership skills, and inclusive recruitment.
  • An online serious game, Blindspot, to start the conversation around Diversity & Inclusion. This game was developed with Fresh Forces.
  • Consultancy services to develop strategy, identify problems and potential solutions.

Decision Making

You’re a professional and would like to make the right decisions. But how do you know whether you make the right call? How do you use your intuition effectively? How do you involve stakeholders in such a way that they add value?

We offer:

  • An eight week online program to give people the tools to make better decisions.
  • Bespoke team coaching services to help management teams make better decisions.
  • Consultancy services to improve decision making in processes and facilitate strategic decision making.


Political Savvy

Your manager expects you to use your influence to affect change. How do you operate politically within your organisation? How do you do that in an ethical manner that aligns with your values?

We offer a 4 hour workshop in which you learn exactly that.


Introducing ourselves...

Human Centric was founded by Annemarie van Iren, Michiel Zeegers and Rutger Legeland to help organisations become more inclusive and improve decision making. We are based in The Netherlands. We work in Dutch and English. Our partners include Caroline Pickard and Fresh Forces.